Uncle Sam

by Mike Bull

Dining tonight with Uncle Sam,
And senators who like to cram,
Their mouths with beef, which they call ham,
I found myself in backwards land.

I had come here to interview,
The world's most high-falutin' crew,
On how the courage of the few,
Had saved the earth for me and you.

The men whose selfless acts had won,
Freedom and wealth for everyone,
And so I asked of one top gun,
Exactly what brave deeds he'd done.

The bite-size ham froze in mid-air,
And he told me that I would not care,
To fight his men, nor would I dare,
To test his forces in the air.

With just a little hint of glee,
These were the words he said to me,
“We have the biggest military,
I know I'm brave when they fear me.

“I know I'm free when my rucksack,
Burdens someone else's back,
And when I see what others lack,
I know there's plenty in my stack.”

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