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Lupin's Home Page

Memoirs of A Rabbit with Attitude

Hello, and welcome to my home page. My name is Lupin, and I am a much maligned house rabbit, who shares a flat with Millennium Features Editor, Sarah Keen.

One can't believe everything you hear on the lettuce-telephone either. I mean if you believed everything they said about me one could easily run away with the impression that I am nothing more than a spoilt, fat, lazy rabbit who screeches his head off the moment things don't go my way. (That's the way I heard it - TechEd)

Whereas anyone, who has taken the time and trouble to know me better, realises pretty quickly that I am as charming and idyllic a house pet as you could hope for.

So! I have taken the liberty of writing down a few rules for the many of you whom I know are worried about the prospect of impending ownership. Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Oh and while I'm here - I urge you not to have anything to do with that wretched bird that keeps popping up all over the place in this magazine. Uncouth Goose. I could tell some stories about him - I can tell you that for nothing!


Recommended Web Sites

Californian House Rabbit Association. Excellent site this containing a very welcome Rights of Rabbit Charter. (A bit worried about their recommendation for castration. It makes me go counter-tenor just thinking of it).


Recommended Viewing

Recommended Reading

We rabbits don't read much. We tend to gnaw paper instead. These are not bad publications though, both for reading and chewing.

Speaking of which, check out ModelNet

Don't read 'Watership Down' sentimental old twaddle.

And watch out for geese, the best thing to do with geese is COOK them.

My Owner



Various ways of COOKING GEESE!

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