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Millennium TimeLine - 1998 January

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Date Location Item Source
1998-01-31 Britiain The first wife of England football legend Bobby Moore is to sell his treasured medals and trophies in a televised auction that could raise £2million. Tina, 54, was married to Bobby for 21 years until he left her in 1983 to wed 2nd wife Stephanie. He left Tina everything, including his 1966 World Cup winner’s medal. The Sun
1998-01-31 Suffolk Moors murderer Myra Hindley, 55, is leaving tough Durham Prison for Highpoint in Suffolk - once dubbed Hi-de-Highpoint because of its relaxed regime. Hindley, jailed in 1966, will be nearer her lesbian lover Nina Wilde, who lives just an hour away in London. The Sun
1998-01-30 West Indies Cricket history was made yesterday after a Test match at Sabina Park was abandoned after 66 minutes because of a deadly pitch. England's physio came on six times in an hour to treat players wounded by the ball, bouncing unpredictably on a hard pitch. The Times
1998-01-30 Essex Two heads of department at a comprehensive school in Chelmsford, Essex, are facing jail after security cameras filmed them beating up a policeman who reprimanded one of them for urinating in the street. The Times
1998-01-30 West Yorkshire A low-fat diet increases anger and hostility and makes some people depressed and dejected, according to a study at the University of Sheffield. The Times
1998-01-29 London Sun newspaper sends Queen Mum a get-well gift after her hip replacement - a crate of gin. The Sun
1998-01-29 Gulf Saddam Hussein has enough nerve gas to kill all human life on earth, according to US intelligence. The Sun
1998-01-29 London Stunning 6ft model Simone Bendix is named as TV’s new Gold Blend girl - taking over from Louise Hunt, 28, who has starred in the coffee ads for the last four years. The Sun
1998-01-28 Belfast Fifth-former Tracey Makin is named as Britain’s youngest Lottery winner. Tracey, of Belfast, was one of eight who shared Saturday’s £8.4million jackpot. She won £1,055,171. The Sun
1998-01-28 London Robin Cook’s wife has agreed to a quickie divorce - freeing him to marry lover Gaynor Regan in the summer. The Sun
1998-01-28 US Hillary Clinton said of husband Bill yesterday: “I love him, I believe him.” But polls show 52 per cent of Americans think he lied over an affair with Monica Lewinsky. The Sun
1998-01-27 London The Queen has offered Fergie a £5million home in a bid get her out of Prince Andrew's home Sunninghill, which Fergie has been quoted as saying she had claimed squatters rights to. The Sun
1998-01-27 California Ex-Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson has won her battle to ban a porn film of her and an ex lover from the net. The Sun
1998-01-27 Nottingham Britain’s top primary school St Edmund RC Campion in West Bridgford, Notts, has revealed the secret of its success today - plenty of fun. All 44 11-year-old pupils scored top marks in English, maths and science. The Sun
1998-01-26 Britain Posh Spice Victoria Adams and Manchester United player David Beckham celebrated their engagement yesterday, by splashing out on rings worth £90,000. Hers cost £50,000, his £40,000. The Sun
1998-01-26 Britain A boy of eight named only as Christian has been chosen to help design the Millennium Dome. His job is to tell designers what kids would like to see in it. He is being paid in toys for his advice. The Sun
1998-01-26 Britain Leading supermarket chains Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury, have banned a controversial scratchcard featuring Diana’s face, which was going raise money for her memorial fund. The Sun
1998-01-25 US Federal prosecutors were last night examining gifts that Monica Lewinsky says were given to her by Clinton-and which were seized from her Washington apartment by agents working for Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel probing the president's affair. Among the gifts was a blue dress that, Monica says in a taped chat to a friend, had been stained with semen. Clinton may face a DNA test. Sunday Times
1998-01-25 Berkshire Greenham Common scene of anti-nuclear protests-is to be filled with giant statutes of warheards. Feminists who kept a vigil to protest against Cruise missiles at Greenham air base, have been invited to return to give ideas on how to turn the 850-acre site into a sculpture park. Sunday Times
1998-01-24 US Bill Clinton was bedding FOUR more women during his fling with Monica Lewinsky, it was claimed yesterday. Monica was taped pouring out her jealousy about the President's other mistresses - three of them on the White House staff like her. The Sun
1998-01-24 London Millennium celebrations in Britain will cost £4billion - £68 for every man, woman and child. In addition to the £800million dome, 184 projects have been given the go ahead-including a 2,785-mile cycle route around the country and a £46.5million space centre. The Sun
1998-01-24 Britain The mother of Paula Yates last night claimed that she might have been drugged by her husband to have sex with TV star Hughie Green. Helene Bosment, 60, suggested hubby Jess Yates could have sedated her to humiliate her and act out a bizarre fantasy. The Sun
1998-01-24 Britain Rocker Michael Hutchence did NOT commit suicide and probably died when a solo sex game went wrong. The Sun
1998-01-23 Cheshire Anti-sleaze MP Martin Bell had a £9,400 election bill secretly aid by Labour and the Lib-Dems. His victory in Tatton, Cheshire could be declared void if he is found guilty of breaking polling laws. Daily Mirror
1998-01-23 Hawaii Hawaii Five-O star Jack Lord has died aged 77 in the arms of wife Maria at their palatial Hawaii home after a battle against Alzheimer's Disease. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-23 Cuba Huge crowds turn out to see Cuban president Fidel Castro greet Pope John Paul II. Castro hopes the Pope will support moves to lift the American blockade that is strangling his economy. The Pope hopes to revive Catholicism in the island. The Times
1998-01-22 Britain The woman who gave birth to a miracle baby at 60 admitted yesterday she lied to get fertility treatment. Gran Elizabeth Buttle gave a false name and cut at least ten years off her age. The Sun
1998-01-22 London Schools Standards Minister Stephen Byers declared when questioned on Radio Five yesterday that 8x7 equals 54 - the gaffe came on the day Labour launched its crusade to teach maths by concentrating on the times tables. Daily Mirror
1998-01-22 US President Bill Clinton last night went on TV to deny sensational new allegations that he had an 18month fling with White House secretary Monica Lewinsky, 24. He is also said to have persuaded her to lie under oath about the romance. Daily Mirror
1998-01-21 Bedford Schoolboy Sean Stewart became Britain's youngest dad yesterday - aged just 12 years and one month. He was at the bedside of 16-year-old girlfriend Emma Webster when she gave birth to a 6lb boy in Bedford Hospital. The Sun
1998-01-21 France England cricket legend Geoffrey Boycott was given a suspended jail sentence for a vicious assault on ex lover Margaret Moore. Boycott, 57, was fined £5,000 and ordered to pay her a symbolic one franc in damages in Grasse, France. The Sun
1998-01-20   Cop Danny Ferguson has sworn under oath that he escorted a woman four times to Bill Clinton's home in 1993 before he took office. His claims will be used by Paula Jones at her case in May. The Sun
1998-01-20 Plymouth Navy lieutenant Commander Bruce Bellingham, 30, offered to show a Wren his manhood, if she showed him her tattoos, a court martial in Plymouth heard. The Sun
1998-01-20 Gulf British aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious sailed for the Gulf yesterday to step up the pressure on Saddam Hussein. The Sun
1998-01-19 Southampton Southampton Football Club beat champs Manchester United at The Dell for the third season running. Last year the fixture ended 6-3 and it was 3-1 the year before that. Sky TV
1998-01-19 Tennessee Rock 'n roll legend Carl Perkins - who wrote Blue Suede Shoes - died today after a series of strokes in Tennessee. Radio 4
1998-01-18 Berkshire Hard-up Fergie has been banned from buying food on Prince Andrew's account at a branch of Waitrose near their, home in Sunninghill, Berks. News of the World
1998-01-18 US President Clinton became the first US President to testify as a defendant in a court case yesterday as he faced accuser Paula Jones in front of lawyers in Washington over her claim that he dropped his trousers and demanded oral sex from her when he was governor of Arkansas. News of the World
1998-01-18 Britain-US Paul McCartney and Jacko have ended their 12-year feud after Macca wrote to Jacko suggesting it was time they made up. They fell out when Jacko outbid Macca, paying £28million for the rights to 251 Beatles songs. News of the World
1998-01-17 London British veterans, angry the government still has not acknowledged the existence of Gulf War syndrome, protested at the Ministry of Defence on Saturday and gave back their medals. The protest marked the seventh anniversary of the end of the 1991 war to force Iraqi troops out of Kuwait. Campaigners claim an estimated 6,000 British veterans have fallen ill, of whom 160 have died since the end of the war. AP wire
1998-01-17 Britain The mum who gave birth at 60 has been dumped by her lover Peter Rawstron, 58. It is believed he was opposed to her decision to sell her story for £100,000 to a Sunday newspaper. The Sun
1998-01-17 Brussels An attempt by Earl Spencer to gag the Press was thrown out by the European Human Rights Commission yesterday. The Sun
1998-01-16 Staffordshire Sundance, the other runaway pig, is cornered near Malmesbury Tennis Club - less than half a mile from where it escaped - by an RSPCA man who shoots it with a tranquilliser dart. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-16 Plymouth Royal Navy warship captain Commander Martin Harriman, has been relieved of his command after they were caught performing a sex act aboard his frigate HMS Sutherland, based in Devonport. The divorced captain is the most senior officer to fall foul of the "no touching" rules. The Sun
1998-01-16 Gulf Britain today ordered the aircraft carrier Invincible to the Gulf as a fresh crisis loomed with Iraq after the UN was forced to withdraw an American-led team of arms inspectors. The Times
1998-01-15 Britain Farmer Liz Buttle, of Cowman, Carmarthenshire, becomes Britain's oldest mum - at the age of 60. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-15 Britain Princess Diana's lawyers Mishcon de Reya have claimed £500,000 for work on her memorial fund. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-15 Maryland University graduates enjoy an average of 52 bonks a year-compared to 59 for people who do not go on to higher education, according to a study at America's University of Maryland. The Sun
1998-01-15 Staffordshire Daily Mail catches Butch, one of the elusive runaway pigs in Tamworth, Staffs. Daily Mail
1998-01-14 London Japanese premier Ryutaro Hashimoto admits for the first time his country caused "tremendous damage and suffering" in World War Two and asks readers to forgive atrocities. The Sun
1998-01-14 London Drunk Shirley Bassey thumped her secretary and called her a Jewish bitch, a civil court in Brentford, West London, heard yesterday. Hilary Levy, 44, who claims she was sacked during the row is suing Shirley for £7,650 lost earnings. The Sun
1998-01-14 Germany The missing body of Karina Turner, 24, one of the British victims of the Luxor massacre in Eygpt, has been found in a grave in Germany. The body of her mum Joan, 53, turned up in Zurich after a mix-up. The Times
1998-01-13 Britain PM Tony Blair yesterday banned Robin Cook from taking his mistress Gaynor Regan, 41, on a trip to Washington, Canada, Hong Kong and China. The Sun
1998-01-13 Britain Soccer star Paul Gascoigne told wife Sheryl he was possessed by five evil spirits when he bit, punched, kicked and headbutted her in a hotel room three months after they wed. Gazza gave the potty excuse after seeing a faith healer abut his drunken rages. The Sun
1998-01-13 London William Straw, 17-son of Home Secretary Jack-was yesterday let off with a caution for selling cannabis. The Sun
1998-01-12 Britain Robin Cook is told off by heartbroken mum Christina over his controversial love life. Christina, 85-married for 54 years to headmaster Peter said: "Robins father, if he were still alive, would have been devastated" over Robin's marriage break-up. The Sun
1998-01-12 Israel Jews can pick their nose on the Sabbath, ultra-Orthodox rabbi Ovadia Yosef has proclaimed in an eagerly-awaited ruling in Israel. The Sun
1998-01-12 Florida The brother of mauled circus star Richard Chipperfield quit his career in the big top last night. Graham, 28, was condemned for shooting the 25st tiger that bit Richard AFTER it had been caged. Richard still critical in Florida. The Sun
1998-01-10 Britain Millennium Dome was plunged into new chaos yesterday after it was revealed the project's main designer Stephen Bailey resigned as consultant creative director before Christmas Daily Mail
1998-01-10 Britain Foreign Secretary Robin Cook's wife, dumped last year for secretary Gaynor Regan, is quoted in new book Westminster Wives as revealing in two chats with author Linda McDougall that Robin had a string of affairs throughout their 28-year-marriage. The Sun
1998-01-10 Britain The stolen head of Denmark's Little Mermaid statue was returned yesterday. A cameraman who filmed it being dumped in a Copenhagen car park was being quizzed by police. The same man first noticed it was missing. The Sun
1998-01-09 West Sussex Patrick Moore, eating with astronomer Tom Bird in a curry house when the tornado struck, reveals he hid under a table in terror. The Sun
1998-01-09 Chicago Chicago scientist Dr Richard Seed announces plans to open a clinic for cloning humans, using the techniques which created Dolly the cloned sheep. He is not an authority in the field he has been involved only in fertility research and his statement is ridiculed by cloning experts. But it's taken seriously by the White House, which reiterates its opposition to human cloning. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-09 Britain Britain enjoys the warmest January day since records began with temperatures up to 16.8 celsius. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-09 Ulster The Ulster peace process is back on track after Mo Mowlam meets five loyalist terrorists in the Maze prison. Following a 90-minute meeting, Ulster Freedom Fighter prisoners voted not to withdraw support for the multi-party talks due to resume at Stormont on Monday. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-08 Florida Circus trainer Richard Chipperfield, 23, was in intensive care last night after being bitten on the head by a tiger while practising his act in Florida. Brother Graham shot the tiger dead. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-08 Surrey Alison Kennedy, who survived after a 5ins hunting knife was plunged up to its hilt into her skull, yesterday saw her attacker jobless Robert Buckland, 18, convicted of attempted murder. Buckland stabbed stranger Alison on the 8.30pm train from Waterloo to Guildford, Surrey, because of a "rush of anger". He was remanded for psychiatric reports Daily Telegraph
1998-01-08 West Sussex Tornado devastates Selsey, West Sussex, in the night. Entire walls torn off houses, cars thrown into the air. 35 lightning strikes. Astronomer Patrick Moore loses his observatory. BBC
1998-01-07 Copenhagen Thieves decapitated Copenhagen's famous Little Mermaid statue yesterday and sped off on roller skates with the head. It is the third time the seated bronze subject of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale has been attacked. Daily Star
1998-01-07 Lake Tahoe Sixties pop star turned US Congressman Sonny Bono died on Monday after skiing into a tree at the Heavenly Lake ski resort in South Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border. He was 62. Former partner Cher scrapped plans to open Harrods and flew to LA to be with their daughter Chastity, 29. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-07 Britain Multi-national companies are being invited by the Government to take over the running of schools in "Education Action Zones"-areas where standards are low. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-06 Staffordshire Two pigs escape from an abattoir in Tamworth, Staffs, sparking a huge hunt which Fleet Street latches on to, dubbing the pair Butch and Sundance after the US outlaws. Daily Mail
1998-01-06 London Peter Mandelson seeks to head off church criticism of his Millennium Dome by pledging in a letter to the Daily Telegraph to make Christianity ''central'' to the celebrations. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-06 London Comic Ben Elton has become one of Britain's highest-paid authors with a £1.5million deal to write two books. Ben, 37, is switching from publishers Simon & Schuster to Transworld to write A Blast from the Past and another as yet untitled work Daily Telegraph
1998-01-06 Japan A mobile phone the size of a wristwatch has been developed by the Japanese state telephone company and will be tested at the Winter Olympics in Nagano. If successful, it will sell for £300. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-05 Britain 105mph winds battered Britain yesterday in the worst storms since 1987. Hundreds of thousands of homes in West Country, Wales and on the south coast were left without power The Times
1998-01-05 Britain More than 40 per cent of couples live together before they marry, according to Government statistics. Between 1979 and 1991 the number of women aged 18 to 49 living 'in sin' rose from 11 per cent to 23 per cent The Times
1998-01-05 Peak District The Peak District has lost 75 per cent of its hay meadows - rich in wild flowers and herbs - over the last ten years due to modern farming methods The Times
1998-01-04 London The Royal Family are said to be considering withdrawal of four Royal warrants from Harrods because of 'unease' over owner Mohammed Al Fayed Mail on Sunday
1998-01-04 California Scientists have revived baboons hours after their bodies were packed in ice. The test, by Californian research firm Biotime, involves injecting Hextend, a plasma replacement fluid, into the thigh. The chemical stops tissue from deteriorating at low temperature. Sunday Times
1998-01-04 Massachusetts Scientists have pioneered a technique to grow breast tissue using cells from a woman's own body. The first nipples have already been grown by the firm Reprogenesis in Boston, Massachusetts - they will be grafted on to women in clinical trials this year. Sunday Times
1998-01-04 London Following arrest of Mirror girl Dawn Alford, News of the World invites authorities to arrest its journalists as they buy cocaine, guns, counterfeit money and forged documents on a regular basis News of the World
1998-01-03 Britain The most popular name for a baby boy in 1997 was Jack, followed by James, Thomas, Daniel, Joshua, Matthew, Samuel, Joseph, Ryan and Jordan. Top ten girls names were: Chloe, Emily, Sophie, Jessica, Megan, Hannah, Rebecca, Lauren, Charlotte, Georgia. The Times
1998-01-03 London-Paris Minister without portfolio Peter Mandelson visits Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, to get ideas for the Millennium Dome. AP wire
1998-01-03 Britain BBC scraps tonight's live House Party after Noel Edmonds reportedly stormed out in a row over cash. A best-of edition of the show was hastily compiled. Daily Mirror
1998-01-02 Surrey Comic Frank Muir, who published his memories three months ago, dies at his home in Egham, Surrey, aged 77. Cause not yet known. BBC
1998-01-02 London High Court judge lifts order banning the naming of Home Secretary Jack Straw whose son William, 17, is said to have sold cannabis to a reporter in a pub. Ruling was challenged by The Sun newspaper after Mr Straw was named in Scotland and on the Internet. BBC
1998-01-02 Colorado Michael Kennedy, 39 - son of senator Robert -died on New Year's Eve after skiing into a tree in Colorado. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-01 Paris The white Fiat Uno sought by police investigating Diana's death was driven by a man "of European appearance," in his 40s with a large dog on the back seat, according to two witnesses quoted in Le Parisien newspaper yesterday. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-01 London 80,000 people flocked to Trafalgar Square to see in 1998 - despite police appeals for them to stay away. 27 people were arrested for drunkenness. 71 people were injured, none seriously. Daily Telegraph
1998-01-01 Nottingham Cyber-pets are blasted by Rt Rev Patrick Harris, Bishop of Southwell, Notts, who believes Tamagotchis distort children's sensibilities by treating a computer as 'human.' Daily Telegraph

Jump to 1997 December

Updated 1998-10-10
News gathered by Mike Bull of
BB Media
Edited by
Garfield Lucas

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