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Click to View Larger ImageJuleigh Martin

Mr. Goose has been pestering me to be a part of this home page lark and as I keep telling his owner I have no idea how to start it! So I am jotting down a few notes to work on and half-inching some ideas from other people's home-pages.

My interests include:-

Bon Jovi with a vengeance! He is sex on legs and the best thing since sliced bread! His lyrics are so powerful and full of meaning especially my fav of August 7 4:15. You should check out the acoustic version - everyone must listen to it. I would love to meet the man himself and have a coffee and a chat.

Agatha Christie the Queen of crime and no-one but no-one can come close to her ever. I defy anyone to read one of her books and figure out who did it before she tells you. I have done it once and I've read most of her books!

I even managed to get my best friend to read one or six of her books. O.K, I had to sit and watch one episode of the Tellytubbies in return. Laugh? I've not laughed so much in all my life and now I hear the Americans have been inflicted with them. And I credited Americans with more taste! Oh and just to set your minds at rest, my best friend is 26 years old! Anyway that's getting off the track she loved the books and she was adamant she would not read an Agatha Christie.

Agatha Christie fan club address is...
Agatha Christie Society
PO box 2749

My EMail address:

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