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Loz's View on Life

Ok, Ok, so I’ve done it now, I’ve written my own home page! Long last, so Ju says!

So! Here I am! What do I write??? I know, Ju "half-inched" her ideas, so I’ll use them too!

Mind you, I might sound incredibly boring! But I’m not, honest!

I s’pose I should start with things I am interested in -

Film Reviews - I write film reviews for the New Millennium with my mate Juleigh. Actually, that’s just an excuse to go out at least once a month!!!! An excuse for who ju' says? Both of us!

Poetry - I write my own poems, based on true life experiences, most are quite depressing, but hey, that’s life!! If you want to read them you can If you Dare

Creative Writing - I have written several short stories one of which I'm in the middle of now, and a screenplay which I sent off to a film company, but got sent back!! Hey, that’s life! But I’m half way through another one, which I have better hopes for!

Psychic Phenomena - I am interested in anything to do with this subject. Having several spooks of my own that keep an eye on me, it’s hard to get away from it!! (Now you think "Boring, no! Crazy, definitely!!")

Acting - I have been involved in Amateur Dramatics for well over 10 years now! (Yes, I was young when I started!!) I have played several principle roles, and I love it!! It’s nice to be able to be someone else for a while and act just how you like! (Excuse the pun!!)

Bored yet! Tough, there’s more!!!! (Hey, if you can’t sleep at any time, you know what to read!!!!)

What I like and collect.

Reading - I read and collect Jackie Collins, Jilly Cooper and Danielle Steel books. There’s nothing like bits of raunchy "Girl Power" before you go to sleep!! I also read Catherine Cookson, (quite the opposite!! I know!) But I think she writes an excellent story, and often get totally lost in her tales! I was once forced to read an Agatha Christie book!!! Ju made me read it, so I made her watch an episode of the Teletubbies!! I think I drew the short straw!!!! She even made me go see the Mousetrap in London. It’s an Agatha Christie I didn’t escape!, She bought me the ticket so I couldn’t get out of it!! BUT, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would tell anyone who had the opportunity to see it, GO DO IT!! And that’s coming from a devout Agatha Christie Fan, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! See my review for further info!

Peridot - I have several items of jewellery set with peridot, my month's birthstone. It’s a lovely transparent green, and is supposed to bring good health and prosperity.

Cartoon Characters! - I am still a kid at heart, and my favorite characters are Tweety Pie, and Winnie the Pooh! They are sooooo cool!!!!!! Tweety Pie reminds me of me! Big eyes, cute, innocent, (Ju says "Yeah, Right!!!!") but boy, what an attitude!!!!!!! I think he’s cool ‘cos he causes lots of hassle, then smiles at Granny, and gets away with it!!!! ( Ju say’s "Yep! That sounds just like Loz!!") And as for Pooh Bear, he’s just plain cute and cuddly! And I like cuddly things! Except me I'm not minnie mouse!!!

Animals - I love animals! We used to have quite a menagerie at home, but the way things do, the numbers decreased, and we are now left with just one dog, one hamster, three tanks of fish, two ponds of fish, an age-old budgerigar, and an even older tortoise.

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page created: 1999-08-01

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