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Home - GarfNet Media
This category attempts to display my passion for photography. It all started when I first used my father's Pentax ME SLR - I was just fifteen. I loved everything about it - even the sound the shutter made! Today I have access to some wonderful photographic kit and I still have the same passion for it that I did in my teens.

To manage lots pictures effectively, this site uses Coppermine image management software, sitting on top of PHP & MariaDB database. This uses a supposedly "mobile friendly" template to make it easier to view on portable devices. As ever, it still needs a bit of tweaking. In any event, we've been running Coppermine since 2006 and we plan to phase it out in favour of NextGen Gallery - which is much more "smartphone friendly".

Please do not steal material from this site. If you want to use something then please ask. Please visit

Garfield Lucas
Old pre-digital pictures. Includes early pictures of yours truly and some old pictures of the geese that used to live on Southampton Common.
51. 3,109.
I abandoned my Pentax 35mm SLR in 1998. and "went digital". These are some of the results.
340. 11,101.
Collection of various movies, games and flash objects.
12. 411.
This category contains albums of pictures created by my friends, family and fellow GarfNet members.
20. 290.